Our Modesto veterinarians focus on maintaining your senior pet's health so they can remain comfortable and mobile as they reach their golden years.

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Senior Care for Your Special Friend

Wellness care, quality nutrition, proper grooming, and regular exercise are vital components of keeping your senior pet healthy. When age-related issues such as arthritis or kidney problems arise, minor environmental modifications or dietary changes can often enhance your pet's quality of life.

We recommend senior pets have yearly wellness and dental exams, combined with recommended diagnostic testing. Annual exams allow for early detection and treatment of age-related conditions and diseases.

Between visits, watch for changes in your dog or cat. These may include mobility issues, weight gain or loss, confusion, appetite or elimination, and behavior such as lethargy or aggression.

Sudden or concerning changes should be reported to your veterinarian right away. These changes can signal a developing problem or be a sign of pain. No animal should be allowed to suffer, especially when comfort is only a phone call away.

Geriatric Care for Pets, Modesto

Typical Health Problems

As pets get older, they become more susceptible to illness and disease. As a result, there are a number of age-related health problems we commonly see in older pets, including:

Veterinary Care for Senior Dogs & Cats

Our vets will thoroughly examine your senior pet, ask about their home life in detail and perform any tests that may be required to receive additional insight into his or her general physical health and condition.

Based on the findings, we'll recommend a treatment plan that can potentially include medications, activities and dietary changes that may help improve your senior pet's health, well-being and comfort.

Diagnostic Tests for Senior Pets

Our veterinarians at Veterinary Medical Associates highly recommend baseline diagnostics for all our senior patients. These tests provide key information on health and overall condition and serve as a benchmark for changes that may develop over time.

Learn More About Veterinary Diagnostics

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