Veterinary Medical Associates provides comprehensive care for reptiles, amphibians and fish. Pet owners are supported by our team as well, with information and guidance.

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Exotic Animals, Modesto Vet

Keeping Modesto's Reptiles & Amphibians Healthy

From lizards, turtles, and snakes to geckos, iguanas, frogs, tortoises and more, reptiles and amphibians are sought after by many animal lovers.

These unique yet challenging companions offer skilled pet parents an opportunity to form a strong bond with creatures few people take the time to understand.

Many of these species require special care and consideration, from the type of environment they require to diet, safety concerns and compliance with local laws (some reptiles and amphibians are banned in certain areas).

At Veterinary Medical Associates, we have been providing outstanding care for reptiles and amphibians for more than five decades. Beyond standard healthcare, we also provide pet parents with the advice and guidance they need to raise healthy and happy reptiles.

Transporting Reptiles & Amphibians to the Veterinarian 

Transporting your reptile or amphibian requires extra care to ensure that they stay calm and safe. You will need to make sure there is nothing in their enclosure that they could harm themselves on and ensure that the proper temperature can be maintained during transport.

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Veterinary Care for Reptiles & Amphibians

Reptiles, just like mammals, get sick and feel pain, and they require veterinary care just like other animals when they are wounded or ill.

Routine Veterinary Care

All reptiles need to be examined by a reptile-savvy veterinarian within 72 hours of purchase or adoption, and at least annually after that.

We perform wellness exams, internal medicine, and husbandry consultations for reptiles and amphibians. An examination may also include diagnostic testing such as blood work, bacteriology, and/or X-rays, depending on the health of your new reptile.

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Amphibian & Reptile Care Basics

Each type of reptile and amphibian is unique, requiring specific equipment, housing, diet, and basic care.

  • Temperature: These exotics require a controlled climate with regulated moisture and temperature, to mimic their natural environment. As poikilothermic ectotherms, reptiles and amphibians cannot control their own body temperature. Therefore, a precise thermally controlled environmental habitat is essential for these pets.
  • Housing: Space is an important factor in choosing a reptile or amphibian pet. Many of these exotics will grow to be quite large over time. An apartment aquarium will eventually be inadequate for certain types of snakes or an iguana that can grow to four feet or more in length. Housing and mature pet size are important in choosing the right pet for you.
  • Diet: These exotics run the dietary gamut, from vegetarian to carnivore, some requiring live diets. The experience of feeding live animals to your pet may not be for you.
  • Hygiene: You, your friends, and your family members run the risk of exposure to Salmonella bacteria from some species of reptiles or amphibians. Salmonella can cause serious illness, especially in children or those with compromised immune systems. Educating yourself, practicing good hygiene, and regular veterinary care are all critical to the health of these pets and their owners.

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