Our team at Veterinary Medical Associates offers routine exams and urgent and emergency care to maintain and restore the good health of pet ferrets in Modesto and beyond.

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Avian & Exotic Pet Services, Modesto Veterinarians

Veterinary Care for Your Ferret

Ferrets are lively, intelligent and social pets that often do well with children and other pets. 

Although they seem like they could make a great low-maintenance pet, the truth is that a pet ferret will require as much attention as a dog or cat to stay healthy and happy.

At Veterinary Medical Associates, we recommend annual wellness examinations to help ferrets achieve optimal health and longevity. We also provide emergency services to help restore your pet's good health whenever their curious nature gets them into trouble.

At each of your pet's wellness exams, your veterinarian will also provide valuable advice regarding nutrition, housing, and other aspects of ferret care.

Veterinary Care For Ferrets

Ferrets are prone to developing health issues as they mature. We encourage you to bring your ferret in for veterinary care regularly.

Routine Checkups For Ferrets

Exams help us catch the earliest signs of health problems, allowing treatment to begin before small problems develop into bigger concerns. Ferrets should have annual check-ups up until five years of age, and then every six months after that.

Surgery For Ferrets

Spaying and neutering are strongly recommended for ferrets in order to prevent extended heat cycles, marking, and aggression.

Learn More About Pet Surgery

Emergency Care for Ferrets

We offer emergency care for sick or injured ferrets. Call us during our regular hours if you suspect your pet needs veterinary care right away.

Signs of Emergencies in Small Mammals

At-Home Ferret Care Basics

Ferrets are special pets that require a very particular household. Because of their energetic and rambunctious nature, ferrets typically do better in a home without small children or infants, dogs, cats, or other pets.

Healthy adult ferrets can live nine years or more and reach up to four pounds. These energetic pets require extended daily activity and playtime outside the cage.

  • Health care and vaccines: Annual wellness exams with distemper and rabies vaccinations are recommended. Ferrets are susceptible to adrenal disease and insulinoma, can catch a human cold, and can die quickly without proper medical care.
  • Housing: A safe habitat with clean fresh water, appropriate nutrition, and room for exercise. Bright sunlight or temperatures over 80 degrees can cause heat exhaustion.
  • Nutrition: Ferrets cannot digest plant cellulose from vegetables, fruits, grains, and nuts as they are pure carnivores. Fortunately, there are high-quality formulated diets specifically for ferrets, which we highly recommend.
  • Socialization: Although pet ferrets sleep for up to 20 hours a day, they require significant amounts of time outside of the cage playing and socializing with their people. Many ferrets are happiest when they have another ferret to keep them company.

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