Preventing disease is always preferable to treating it after onset. At Veterinary Medical Associates, we help protect pets with routine vaccinations and parasite prevention.

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Protect Your Companion's Good Health

Don't let preventable diseases negatively impact the health of your dog or cat. Our veterinarians provide a range of vaccines and parasite prevention products to fight against common, highly contagious conditions seen in dogs and cats across Modesto, Aurora, Empire, McHenry and beyond.

Combined with regular wellness exams, routine vaccines and parasite prevention form the foundation of your companion animal's routine preventive healthcare plan.

Our team will assess your pet's risk factors and lifestyle, and work with you to create a custom preventive care plan tailored to the unique needs of your dog or cat.

Vaccinations & Parasite Prevention Services, Modesto

Spaying & Neutering for Dogs & Cats

Spaying or neutering your cat or dog prevents unwanted litters, protects your pet from various illnesses, and can help to prevent undesirable behaviors such as aggression, urinating outside their litter box or trying to escape your yard.

Learn More About Spaying & Neutering

Cat & Dog Vaccination Schedule

Keeping your animal companion's vaccinations up-to-date is essential for protecting them against a range of serious conditions that can negatively impact their long-term health and longevity.

Your dog or cat should receive the following vaccinations during their life:

Kitten & Cat Vaccinations

Puppy & Dog Vaccinations


While collars and tags are important, there's no guarantee these won't become lost. Our veterinarians can place a tiny microchip under your pet's skin as a permanent form of identification.

Pets that are microchipped have a better chance of being reunited with their owners if they become lost.

Parasite Prevention

Parasites pose a serious health threat to people and animals in the Modesto area and across Stanislaus County. Left untreated, parasites can threaten the life of your cat or dog, and in some cases can even be transmitted to other pets or people living in your household. Our parasite prevention products can help protect your dog or cat from the following common parasites:

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