Pet parents in Modesto and surrounding communities can rely on our veterinarians to provide all of the preventive and urgent care their small companion mammals need to thrive.

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Avian & Exotic Pet Services, Modesto Veterinarians

Quality Care for Small Exotic Pets

We are pleased to provide the comprehensive care our rabbit, guinea pig, and chinchilla patients need to achieve long and healthy lives.

As part of our commitment to the health and well-being of our patients, we take pride in working with pet parents to help them become outstanding caregivers to their furry friends.

Your veterinarian will provide you with valuable information, guidance, and pet care resources to help you every step of the way.

Contact our team at Veterinary Medical Associates for help choosing the right small pet for your lifestyle and appropriate housing, accessories, nutrition, and more.

Veterinary Care for Rabbits, Guinea Pigs & Chinchillas

We encourage you to bring your small mammal in for veterinary care regularly. This allows your veterinarian to catch small issues before they turn into bigger medical conditions.

Routine Veterinary Care For Small Mammals

Although guinea pigs and chinchillas do not require vaccinations the way rabbits do, we recommend routine wellness exams for all small companion mammals. These checkups help us detect the earliest signs of developing health problems, allowing treatment to begin before the condition becomes severe.

Emergency Care For Small Mammals

Your small mammal's health can deteriorate very quickly if they become ill. It is essential to seek emergency veterinary care if you spot any changes in behavior or unusual symptoms.

We offer urgent and emergency care for sick or injured small mammals. Call us during our regular hours if you suspect your pet needs veterinary care right away.

Signs of Emergecies in Small Mammals

Care For Your Small Mammal at Home

Each type of small mammal comes with their own unique care requirements. Below you will find basic at-home care advice for chinchillas, guinea pigs and rabbits:

Chinchillas are intelligent, playful, and social pets that bond quickly with humans. Take your pet out to play often but always maintain a safe cage or habitat for unsupervised time. Chinchillas love to chew, so keep plants and electrical cords out of reach and protect curtains, rugs, and furniture.

This pet requires a well-ventilated, spacious cage with room to jump, play, and explore. Place the cage centrally for easy interaction and observation, but away from drafts or direct sunlight. Provide two sources of fresh water, grass hay, bedding, and a box or tunnel for privacy.

Never use cedar or pine shavings, as they can irritate your chinchilla’s skin and lungs.

It is also important to provide them with a powder mineral source for bathing. In their native environment, chinchillas enjoy these dust baths to maintain their fur—never bathe this pet in water!

Guinea pigs are curious little pets that enjoy interaction and play. Regular human attention will socialize your companion and exercise is essential for good health.

Always supervise your guinea pigs when they are outside the cage, as they enjoy chewing and hiding in dark, tight places. They are most active at dawn and dusk, and may nap periodically throughout the day.

Guinea pigs require a well-ventilated, solid-bottomed, and spacious cage with room to jump, play, and explore. Choose a safe environment and accessories that encourage natural playing behaviors. The cage should have two sources of fresh water, Timothy hay, bedding, and a box or tunnel for privacy.

Rabbits are curious, mischievous pets that can get themselves in trouble if left alone.

For safety, always keep your pet in a rabbit-safe environment if you are not immediately available to intervene. Rabbits love to chew, so keep plants and electrical cords out of reach and protect curtains, rugs, and furniture.

While rabbits are easily trained to use a litter box, it is essential to provide a secure cage or habitat. We recommend a large crate or cage with a solid floor that allows for stretching, standing on hind legs, or active play. The habitat should include an area for burrowing in hay, a litter box, and a box or tunnel for privacy.

Provide a continuous supply of Timothy hay and fresh, clean water.


Many people fail to recognize when their pet rabbit is unwell. Illness can strike fast and health can deteriorate very quickly. Contact your veterinarian right away if you notice any behavior changes or unusual symptoms.

Surgery For Small Mammals

We offer spays, neuters, and molar filings to help keep your small mammal healthy and comfortable.

Learn More About Pet Surgery

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